150+ Aarakocra Names for Your Dungeons & Dragons Character

Aarakocra Names Ideas

Fantasy names matter. Aarakocra, avian humanoids, use multiple languages and sources to generate their own names. This blog post discusses Aarakocra names, their meanings, and how they are generated.

Aarakocra naming traditions are intricate. Aarakocra employs personal, clan, familial, and nickname names. Clan names are inherited from the Aarakocra’s father and carried down. Later in life, Aarakocra receives family names depending on events or accomplishments. Finally, friends and relatives give nicknames based on physical traits or quirks.

Aarakocra names themselves from several sources. Languages dominate. Aarakocra sometimes adopts words from other languages.

List of Aarakocra Names

Naming a character is difficult! Enjoy learning your character’s identity!

  • Brax: A formidable mountain bird.
  • Cael: A fast, agile bird found in open places.
  • Davin: A smart, forest-dwelling bird.
  • Elora: A stunning bird that soars.
  • Faren: A valiant bird commonly found in battle.
  • Gwen: A peaceful bird found in feather beds.
  • Hollum: A huge, terrifying bird found in gloomy caves.
  • Iris: a colorful bird seen in bright gardens.
  • Jae: A shadowy, silent bird.
  • Keth: An ambitious, resolute bird found in high altitudes.
  • Lleu: A mischievous, tree-dwelling bird.
  • Mallory: A gregarious bird seen in busy markets.
  • Nath: A faithful, protective bird.
  • Oren: A curious bird who often snoops around.
  • Quinn: A sly bird who outwits his opponents.
  • Rylan: A powerful bird that carries huge loads.
  • Saren: A elegant, agile bird often seen dancing.
  • Soarin: A risk-taker.
  • Taren: A calm bird who lives in pandemonium.
  • Urien: A strong bird that leads others.
  • Vaella: A generous bird who shares her bounty.
  • Wren: A dainty, tree-singing bird.
  • Xander: A clever bird who advises others.
  • Yarel: A fierce bird commonly found in battle.
  • Zaren: A bold bird who fights for justice.


D&D Aarakocra Names

Have you ever struggled to name a Dungeons and Dragons Aarakocra character? You’ve arrived! This article lists all the perfect bird folk names. Find your Aarakocra names here!

  • Aric: Aric means “noble eagle.” Brave and gallant Aarakocras deserves this moniker.
  • Berta: This name suits a smart, quick-witted Aarakocra.
  • Volara: Volara means “air.” .
  • Brynn: This name suits a strong and resolute Aarakocra.
  • Chen: “Dawn”. A positive and optimistic Aarakocra would love this name.
  • Doran: Doran means “stronghold.” Brave and trustworthy Aarakocras deserves this moniker.
  • Elderon: “Wise one.” This name suits a smart and seasoned Aarakocra.
  • Falko: Falko means “falcon.” This name suits a noble and fierce Aarakocra.
  • Goros: Goros means “mountain.” Strong and steadfast Aarakocras deserve this name.
  • Haafingar: “Of the sea.” This name suits a daring Aarakocra.
  • Ilvara: ” of the wind.” This name suits a swift Aarakocra.
  • Jheri: This name suits the kind of Aarakocra.
  • Largo: Largo means “long.” This name suits tall, stately Aarakocras.
  • Mara: Mara means “sea.” This name suits a daring Aarakocra.
  • Nester: Nester means “nest.” .
  • Owyn: “Young warrior”: is Owyn.
  • Quillian: This name suits a free-spirited, flying Aarakocra.
  • Riala: This name suits an Aarakocra named Kera, which means “of the air.”.
  • Laryssa: “Of the air.”.
  • Misha: Misha means “air.”.
  • Nayeli: I love you. This name suits a loving Aarakocra.
  • Orin: Orin means “air.”.
  • Pavel: “Little” Pavel. This name suits a delicate Aarakocra.
  • Quess: Quess means “air.”.
  • Ryld: Ryld means “air.” .
  • Ulmok: Ulmok means “wise one.” This name suits a smart and seasoned Aarakocra.
  • Varki: This name suits an adventurous Aarakocra.
  • Wynn: This name suits an enthusiastic Aarakocra.
  • Xarann: “Wild one.” This name suits an adventurous Aarakocra.
  • Yetar: “Shy one” is Yetar. This name suits a contemplative Aarakocra.
  • Zasz: Zasz means “restless.”.


Aarakocra Last Names

Welcome to Aarakocra’s last name! We offer a carefully curated list of last names to inspire fantasy world-building. Dungeons and Dragons’ bird-like Aarakocra are aliens (DnD). . Get the perfect last name for your Aarakocra character!

  • Sky-Dweller: Our first entry. A mountain or cloud-dwelling Aarakocra might suit this name. It conjures visions of a mythical creature.
  • Wind-Runner: An exquisite term for a fast-moving Aarakocra who loves to travel. It evokes an elegant, fiery creature. Aarakocra rangers and rogues would love this moniker.
  • Storm-Bringer: It implies a fearless beast with the fortitude to survive any storm. Aarakocra warriors or paladins would love this name.
  • Wind-Rider: Another great name for a traveling Aarakocra. It represents a free-spirited, adventurous creature who loves the wind in its feathers. Aarakocra rangers and rogues would love this moniker.
  • Kite: A lively Aarakocra would be named Kite. It suggests a species that loves to fly and is a constant game. Aarakocra bards and sorcerers would love this name.
  • Sparrow: A little, swift Aarakocra deserves a joyful name like Sparrow. . .
  • Hawk: A powerful name for a natural leader Aarakocra. It suggests a brave, daring creature with a unique vision. Aarakocra fighters or paladins would love this name.
  • Nighthawk: A secretive and clever Aarakocra deserves the moniker Nighthawk. It indicates a creature that can vanish into the night and stay one step ahead of its attackers.
  • Diraad: An exquisite, royal name for a natural leader Aarakocra. It suggests a clever, tall, and perceptive creature.
  • Culeek: An Aarakocra warrior would suit the name Culeek, which implies cunning and might.
  • Qhikack: Another great Aarakocra warrior or paladin name. It suggests a courageous, powerful, risk-taking creature. This is a great name for a daring Aarakocra.
  • Zi: An enigmatic and hard-to-read Aarakocra deserves a strange name like Zi. It suggests an extraterrestrial monster. Aarakocra rangers and rogues would love this moniker.
  • Shetshilleess: A valiant and powerful Aarakocra deserves this name. It implies a fearless beast with the fortitude to survive any storm. Aarakocra warriors or paladins would love this name.
  • Scarlet: A flaming name for a passionate and strong-willed Aarakocra. It suggests a daring, brave beast.
  • Yaccaack: Another great Aarakocra warrior or paladin name. It suggests a courageous, powerful, risk-taking creature. This is a great name for a daring Aarakocra.
  • Neltlass: Aarakocra fighter Neltlass. He’s battle-scarred. Neltlass is a bold warrior. Both friends and foes respect his leadership.
  • Rhi: A graceful and strong name, Rhi is suitable for an Aarakocra commander and combatant. It symbolizes a creature who is always up for a challenge and has the wisdom and perspective to see things differently.
  • Ak: Arakocras are natural leaders, therefore Ak is a strong name. It suggests a bold, inspiring creature.
  • Bluff: This name symbolizes a clever, crafty creature that can talk its way out of any difficulty. Aarakocra bards and sorcerers would love this name.
  • Dek: A simple name for a simple Aarakocra. This name denotes a trustworthy, no-nonsense creature. Aarakocra monks or clerics would love this name.
  • Qlilead: A wise and experienced name. It suits a natural teacher or counselor Aarakocra. This name implies a calm, wise creature.


Female Aarakocra Names

Role-playing game fans have always liked these intriguing creatures. They are loyal and protective of their families, while strangers fear and misunderstand them.

  • Skylar: It suits an inquisitive Aarakocra.
  • Dove: A soft name for sweet and caring girls. It symbolizes tranquility, which the Aarakocra revere.
  • Kire: Native American Kire means “snow” or “ice.” It suits a cold, faraway Aarakocra.
  • Raven: Arakocras suit Raven’s many meanings. The Aarakocra is generally described as dark-haired, mysterious, and wise. The Aarakocra generally equates it with death.
  • Ra: Ra means “sun” in Egyptian. It suits a fiery, passionate Aarakocra from a sunny area.
  • Kluccac: Aarakocra for “protector,” Kluccac implies An Aarakocra who protects her family and fights for her beliefs deserves this moniker.
  • Zerr: Aarakocra for “brave.” An Aarakocra who fights for her home and family deserves this moniker.
  • Durc: Aarakocra for “strong,” Durc. An Aarakocra who is constantly ready to fight and fiercely loyal to her home and family deserves this moniker.
  • Qhuhk: Aarakocra for “wise,” Qhuhk. It’s an appropriate name for an Aarakocra who is always curious about the world and willing to advise her family and friends.
  • Seztu: Aarakocra for “light.” It’s an appropriate name for an Aarakocra who is always willing to serve and spread joy.
  • Gerrk: Aarakocra for “courageous,” Gerrk.
  • Creelack: An Aarakocra who takes chances and explores the world deserves this moniker.
  • Ug: Aarakocra is notable for its enormous eagle-like wings and beaks and humanoid bodies. They are loyal and protective of their families, while strangers fear and misunderstand them.
  • Dake: Dutch for “strong,” Dake. It’s great for an Aarakocra who fights for her home and family.
  • Krouc: Aarakocra for “courageous,” Krouc. A brave Aarakocra deserves this name.
  • Suqe: Khuk: Aarakocra for “fearless.” It’s a great name for an Aarakocra who’s ready for any challenge and willing to fight for her beliefs.
  • Yu: “Courageous” is a Chinese name. It’s a great name for an Aarakocra who’s always ready to face any challenge and fight for her beliefs.
  • Rid: Rid means “brave” in Arabic.
  • Sunrise: We can look back and start over. Sunrise is a time for Aarakocra to fly. It’s time for family, friends, and simple pleasures.
  • Caiak: Aarakocra for “joyful,” Caiak is a perfect name for an Aarakocra who is always eager to serve and spread joy.
  • Khid: Aarakocra for “curious.” It’s an appropriate name for an Aarakocra who is always curious about the world and willing to advise her family and friends.
  • Ihk: It’s an appropriate name for an Aarakocra who is always curious about the world and willing to advise her family and friends.
  • Coocirrk: It’s an appropriate name for an Aarakocra who is always curious about the world and willing to advise her family and friends.


Male Aarakocra Names

Fantasy writing is full of fantastical creatures with unique and interesting names. If you’re looking for something special for your next Aarakocra character, look no further than this list of male Aarakocra names. Designed to suit any fantasy-inspired story, this list of names will help you create an unforgettable character with a name as extraordinary as their personality. So check out this list and bring your story to life with the perfect Aarakocra name!

  • Aadon: Aadon is a powerful and commanding name, perfect for an Aarakocra leader or chief.
  • Akkamas:  Akkamas is a name that exudes strength and power, making it ideal for a warrior or big and burly Aarakocra.
  • Brant:  Brant is a nimble and quick name, making it perfect for an Aarakocra scout or thief.
  • Caelyn:  Caelyn is a graceful and poetic name, making it ideal for an Aarakocra bard or diplomat.
  • Eilian: Eilian is a wise and regal name, making it perfect for an Aarakocra elder or shaman.
  • Pavek:  Pavek is a name that is both rugged and reliable, making it perfect for an Aarakocra bodyguard or enforcer.
  • Azzad: Azzad is a name that exudes strength and power, making it ideal for a warrior or big and burly Aarakocra.
  • Dren: Dren is a nimble and quick name, making it perfect for an Aarakocra scout or thief.
  • Eran: Eran is a graceful and poetic name, making it ideal for an Aarakocra bard or diplomat.
  • Kavak: Kavak is a wise and regal name, making it perfect for an Aarakocra elder or shaman.
  • Kurau: Kurau is a name that is both rugged and reliable, making it perfect for an Aarakocra bodyguard or enforcer.
  • Meklit: Meklit is a name that is both special and unique, making it perfect for an Aarakocra who is different from all the rest.
  • Nadir: Nadir is a name that is both mysterious and alluring, making it perfect for an Aarakocra who is secretive and elusive.
  • Nevar: Nevar is a name that exudes strength and power, making it ideal for a warrior or big and burly Aarakocra.
  • Tavak: Tavak is a wise and regal name, making it perfect for an Aarakocra elder or shaman.
  • Alirrk: Alirrk is a name that is both mystical and alluring, making it perfect for an Aarakocra who is secretive and elusive.
  • Rhooqarr: Rhooqarr is a name that is both powerful and commanding, making it perfect for an Aarakocra leader or chief.
  • Qiss: Qiss is a name that is both special and unique, making it perfect for an Aarakocra who is different from all the rest.
  • Cuied: Cuied is a name of great power, making it ideal for an Aarakocra leader or chief.
  • Yaf: Yaf is a nimble and quick name, making it perfect for an Aarakocra scout or thief.
  • Rharag: Rharag is a name that is both strong and commanding, making it perfect for an Aarakocra leader or chief.
  • Ulef: Ulef is a name of great strength and power, making it ideal for a warrior or big and burly Aarakocra.
  • Uki: Uki is a nimble and quick name, making it perfect for an Aarakocra scout or thief.
  • Briar:  Briar is a name that is both strong and commanding, making it perfect for an Aarakocra leader or chief.

Also See:


Aarakocra has many names, but they are all the same creatures. Native to the continent of Avistan, these avian creatures are often mistaken for fairies by humans. The Aarakocra live in clans and each clan has its own name. Some of Aarakocra’s common names include the Cloudjumper, the Windrider, and the Swiftstrider.