150+ Necromancer Names for Your Next Novel

Fantasy and necromancy await! This blog article lists necromancer names based on literary, film, and video game characters. These names can give richness, culture, and power to your cosplay character, novel, or Dungeons & Dragons character. This list should help you navigate your imaginary world!

Necromancy has numerous different rules, rituals, and spells. Much necromancy involves summoning and controlling the undead. Blood magic, necrotic curses, and communicating with the dead are also necromancy.

Necromancers are usually malevolent, power-hungry characters who have made a deal with death. Not always. Some necromancers protect the innocent and defeat evil. Be true to yourself and avoid dark powers that might corrupt your soul when practicing necromancy.

List of Necromancer Names

Whether you’re looking for a name for an evil necromancer or a heroic one, we hope you find the perfect fit on this list!

  • Bone Witch: Bone witches are necromancers who control bones and the undead. Because of their terrible powers, society shuns them.
  • Blood Mages: Necromancers who employ blood magic. Blood magic is potent and dangerous.
  • Death Priests: Necromancers who worship dead gods and goddesses are death priests. Dark rituals and sacrifices give them power from the dead.
  • Necrotic curse caster: A necromancer who casts curses and hexes. Others utilize them for revenge or misery.
  • Undead Master: A necromancer with great power over the undead. They can command massive zombie and skeletal armies.
  • Deathdealer: A dangerous necromancer who enjoys dealing with death. They slay adversaries with powerful curses and hexes and sometimes raise them as zombie minions.
  • Widowmaker: Widowmakers are necromancers who slaughter their enemies. They kill opponents with poisons and curses.
  • Deathknight: A powerful and malevolent necromancer who made a deal with death for power. They lead undead armies and employ black magic to defeat foes.
  • Gravemaker: A gravemarker is a necromancer who creates undead. They often command zombie and skeletal armies.
  • Shadowmancer: Showmancers are necromancers who manipulate shadows. They generate illusions and curses.
  • Corpse Caller: A necromancer who summons and controls the undead. They usually develop an army of zombie servants.
  • Spirit Walker: Spirit walkers are necromancers who can communicate with the dead. They use their skills to learn about the deceased and their lives.
  • Bloodcasters: are necromancers who use blood magic. Blood magic is potent and dangerous. Bloodcasters cast potent spells and curses.


  • Doombringer: A powerful and evil necromancer who enjoys death and ruin. They kill foes with powerful spells and curses.
  • Witch Doctor: A witch doctor is a dark arts necromancer. They curse dolls and hex adversaries. Due to their terrible powers, society shuns witch doctors.
  • Lich: A powerful and malevolent necromancer who made a deal with death for power. They lead undead armies and employ black magic to defeat foes.
  • Reaper: A reaper is a terrifying necromancer who deals with death. They slay adversaries with powerful curses and hexes and sometimes raise them as zombie minions. Society shuns reapers owing to their terrible powers.
  • Black Widow: Black widows are deadly necromancers who kill their enemies. They kill opponents with poisons and curses. Due to their sinister powers, society shuns black widows.
  • Grave robber: A necromancer who steals corpses. They often construct zombie servants and armies. Grave robbers are reviled for their dark powers.
  • Summoner: A necromancer who summons and controls the undead. They usually develop an army of zombie servants. Society shuns summoners owing to their terrible powers.
  • Lich: A powerful and malevolent necromancer who made a deal with death for power. They lead undead armies and employ black magic to defeat foes. Due to their dark powers, society shuns liches.
  • Doomseeker: A doom seeker eagerly seeks death and devastation. People take risks to die young. Society shuns doomsayers.
  • Death Eater: A death eater craves death and devastation. People take risks to die young. Society shuns death eaters because they want to die.
  • Necronomicon: The insane Arab Abdul Alhazred wrote the evil magic book Necronomicon. The book is claimed to include evil force-calling spells and curses. Society shuns the Necronomicon due to its terrible capabilities.


Elf Necromancer Names

You’ve arrived if you’re developing a powerful necromancer for your next fantasy novel. Elf necromancer names abound here. This blog has a variety of fantasy names, from traditional to unusual. Each name was carefully chosen to give your character a distinct and meaningful identity. Explore some intriguing elven necromancer names!

  • Nariel: Elvish meaning “gloom” or “shadow,” this name suits a necromancer who enjoys darkness.
  • Saren: Elvish for “death,” this name is perfect for a necromancer obsessed with death and the dark arts.
  • Moriel: Elvish meaning “blackbird,” this name fits a majestic necromancer.
  • Leilan: Elvish for “phantom” or “spirit,” suitable for a necromancer who often transforms into a ghost or spirit.
  • Talin: Elvish for “of the stars,” Talin is a magnificent and mystical name for a necromancer in touch with the universe.
  • Miriel: Elvish for “peace” or “serenity,” Miriel is a noble name for a good necromancer.
  • Ryder: Elvish meaning “traveler,” Ryder is suitable for a necromancer who is always searching for new tombs and dark secrets.
  • Aeriel – Elvish for “sky” or “air,” Aeriel is a light and airy name for an elemental necromancer.
  • Eriel: Elvish for “merry” or “joyful,” Eriel is an unusual name for a necromancer.
  • Sariel: Elvish for “prince of God,” Sariel is a majestic name for a great necromancer.
  • Moriel: Elvish for “dark water” or “black rain,” Moriel is perfect for a necromancer in touch with nature and death.
  • Avali: “The Bringer of Death”-is suitable for a fearsome necromancer.
  • Salasul: A unique name meaning “end of life” or “death’s door,” Salasul would suit a necromancer preoccupied with death and the afterlife.
  • Belphagor: Elvish for “devil of death,” this name is ominous. A truly evil necromancer should have this name.
  • Draug: Elvish for “ghost” or “phantom,” this name is perfect for a necromancer who can control the undead.
  • Eredun: “Darkness” or “Shadow”: is suitable for a mysterious necromancer.
  • Gorothul: Elvish meaning “dark heart,” Gorothul is perfect for a ruthless necromancer.
  • Hathor: “House of the Dead” is a lovely Elvish name. Necromancers in dark castles would love this.
  • Sauron: Elvish for “the shadow,” Sauron is evil. A dark necromancer deserves this moniker.
  • Ulvani: “Wolf of Death”-fits a powerful and terrible necromancer.
  • Sauriel: “Dragon of Death”-fits a formidable necromancer.
  • Andul: Elvish meaning “darkness engulfs,” Andul is a fitting name for a terrifying necromancer.
  • Dalkeni: “The dark one” is suitable for a mysterious necromancer.
  • Korali: “Of the Underworld” is suitable for a feared and esteemed necromancer.
  • Veleni: Elvish for “of death” or “deathly,” Veleni is a great name for a dark, powerful necromancer.
  • Mallari: “Blackness descends”: is suitable for a dreaded necromancer.
  • Lasari: Elvish for “the blackest of hearts,” Lasari is an excellent name for an evil necromancer.
  • Raumiel: “of the void” is suitable for a dark and terrifying necromancer.
  • Vali: “Valiant one” is a great name for a bold and powerful necromancer.

Death Priests

Female Necromancer Names

Fantasy female names that evoke enchantment and mystery are here. This list of female necromancer names will inspire you. These names are perfect for dark, exotic characters in novels, games, and short stories.

  • Morana: “Death” in Slavic mythology. Winter and death goddess Morana is frigid and ruthless.
  • Aoife: Irish for “death.” A curse turned Irish warrior queen Aoife into a cold-hearted monster.
  • Fionnuala: Irish for “white shoulder.” Lugh fathered Fionnuala. Her stepmother changed her into a swan and she traveled the world for years.
  • Síofra: Irish for “elf.” Irish mythology’s Tuatha Dé Danann included Síofra. She was beautiful and smart.
  • Niamh: Irish for “brightness.” Ireland’s sea god’s daughter was Niamh. She was graceful and lovely.
  • Muirenn: Irish for “sea.” Irish mythology’s Muirenn was a Lir daughter. Her stepmother changed her into a swan and she traveled the world for years.
  • Caitríona: Irish for “pure.” Irish saint Caitríona was pure and innocent.
  • Ailbhe: Irish for “white.” Irish princess Ailbhe was beautiful and fair-haired.
  • Antoinette: French for “priceless.” French mythology’s beautiful and pompous queen Antoinette was ousted by her people.
  • Brunswick: “burned town” in Germanic mythology. A Germanic dragon destroyed Brunswick.
  • Mab: Welsh for “son.” Lludd fathered Mab. Magic and animal shapeshifting were his specialties.
  • Morgana: “Sea-born” from Arthurian legend. Morgana was King Arthur’s strong witch half-sister. She was beautiful yet harsh.
  • Hecate: “Far-reaching” in Greek mythology. Magic and underworld goddess Hecate. Her prophecy and foresight were famous.
  • Persephone: “Daughter of Demeter” in Greek mythology. Demeter’s daughter Persephone ruled the underworld. She was beautiful and brought life and fertility to the underworld.
  • Hel: “Queen of the Underworld” in Norse mythology. Loki’s daughter, Hel, was the underworld goddess. Her heartlessness was well-known.
  • Lilith: “Night Monster” in Jewish folklore. Lilith seduced men and killed babies. She was beautiful and lethal.
  • Ereshkigal: Mesopotamian for “queen of the great soil.” Ereshkigal, sister of Enki, was the underworld goddess. She was cruel and cold.
  • Napteshmet: “Lady of the Night” in Egyptian mythology. Ra’s daughter and underworld goddess Napteshmet. She was beautiful and gave the underworld life and fertility.
  • Nephthys: Egyptian mythology’s “house lady.” Isis’ sister Nephthys was the underworld goddess. She was beautiful and brought life and fertility to the underworld.
  • Udjat: “Sun Eye” in Egyptian mythology. Ra’s eye, Udjat, was a revered symbol in Egyptian mythology. It symbolized power and protection.
  • Inana: “Lady of the Sky” in Mesopotamian mythology. Inana represented love, beauty, and fertility. She was kind and generous.
  • Ishtar: “Lady of the Star” in Mesopotamian mythology. Ishtar represented love, fertility, and war. She was brave and beautiful.
  • Anat: Semitic for “goddess.” Semitic fertility goddess Anat. She was beautiful and fertilized the countryside.
  • Astarte: Phoenician for “star goddess.” Astarte represented love, beauty, fertility, and battle. She was brave and beautiful.
  • Asherah: Canaanite for “sea goddess.” Asherah represented love, beauty, and fertility. She was kind and generous.
  • Februa: From the Roman cleansing festival.
  • Hecat: Greek goddess of sorcery, witchcraft, and the underworld.
  • Kali: Hindu goddess of death and destruction.
  • Morrigan: Irish war goddess.
  • Nefertiti: the beautiful Egyptian queen.


Male Necromancer Names

This blog has a huge selection of male necromancer names for fantasy fans and creative people. These names, inspired by fantasy stories and experiences, combine mystique, anticipation, darkness, and power-essential necromancer names! This site will help you discover the perfect name to express your personality.

  • Sevrin: A terrifying Necromancer Lord, Sevrin has a dark and powerful past. His name connotes death and horror.
  • Mordecai: The name of a formidable necromancer destroyed by heroes evokes fear.
  • Belial: Belial was a necromancer defeated by heroes.
  • Damien: A male necromancer needs a dark and ominous name like Damien.
  • Asmodeus: Perfect for a male necromancer, Asmodeus is dark and ominous.
  • Malek: A mysterious name associated with the dark arts. This moniker denotes a feared and renowned necromancer.
  • Arax: Necromancers choose Arax to frighten their foes.
  • Xander: High-ranking necromancers use Xander, a forceful name.
  • Nadir: Necromancers employ Nadir to instill dread in their victims.
  • Erebus: Necromancers utilize Erebus to frighten their foes.
  • Darius: A powerful name, Darius is suitable for an undead leader. Your opponents will fear this name.
  • Korvath: Necromancers that prize strength and power commonly choose Korvath.
  • Azrael: A feared and revered name associated with death and the underworld. This moniker denotes death-dealing necromancers.
  • Nathaniel: A shadowy name. Power-hungry necromancers will love this name.
  • Ezekiel: A dominating necromancer needs a moniker that inspires terror and respect. This moniker will frighten your foes.
  • Cain: A name linked with death and devastation. This moniker denotes a death-dealing necromancer.
  • Apollyon: A dark and ominous moniker for a necromancer who wants to frighten their foes.
  • Ichabod: A frightening, foreboding name for a necromancer who wishes to frighten their foes. This moniker will deter your foes.
  • Abaddon: A excellent male necromancer name, Abaddon conjures ideas of darkness and ruin.
  • Persephone: A dark and mysterious name connected with death and the underworld, necromancers with this name are typically seen as death and devastation.
  • Xavier: A noble and powerful name. This term denotes wise, just necromancers.
  • Apophis: A mysterious name linked with malevolent forces that want to destroy the earth. This moniker denotes doom-bringing necromancers.
  • Baal: Feared and admired, Baal represents power and strength. This moniker implies invincible necromancers.
  • Amon: A cryptic name associated with death and the underworld. This moniker denotes death-personified necromancers.


Gender-neutral Necromancer Names

Have you considered naming your necromancer something unusual? Need a gender-neutral name for a special necromancer in your story or game? This blog has a complete list of gender-neutral necromancer names with interesting meanings and power. For fantasy character names, let’s explore the endless options!

  • Arkam: The Arabic word for “necromancer” is perfect for a strong male or female necromancer.
  • Damarcus: “Of the dark ones” in French. It suits a powerful and evil male necromancer.
  • Necrona: “Death queen” in Greek. It suits a female necromancer who leads vast undead armies.
  • Shadowspawn: Perfect for a shadow-wielding necromancer. A feared and respected name.
  • Morticia: Latin for “of death”. A beautiful and deadly female necromancer deserves this name.
  • Deathlock: Perfect for a male necromancer who controls death. Its name is menacing.
  • Arkhan: “Dark Lord” in Turkish. It suits a feared and respected male necromancer.
  • Ravena: Latin for “raven”. It suits a dark, mysterious female necromancer.
  • Malachi: “My messenger” in Hebrew. It suits a dark and powerful male necromancer.
  • Kesa: “Death spirit” in Japanese. It suits a dark and deadly female necromancer.
  • Ceto: “Sea monster” in Greek. It suits a dark and dangerous female necromancer.
  • Dagan: “Dark god” in Hebrew. It suits a dark and powerful male necromancer.
  • Hecate: Greek for “underworld goddess.” It suits a dark and deadly female necromancer.
  • Typhon: Greek for “underworld demon.” It suits a dark and powerful male necromancer.
  • Kraken: “Sea monster” in Scandinavian. It suits a dark and dangerous necromancer.
  • Leviathan: “Sea Monster” in Hebrew. It suits a dark and dangerous necromancer.
  • Siren: “Sea Monster” in Greek. It suits a dark and dangerous female necromancer.
  • Hydra: “Water dragon” in Greek. It suits a dark and dangerous necromancer.
  • Cerberus: “Three-headed dog” in Greek. It suits a dark and powerful male necromancer.
  • Medusa: Greek for “gorgon”. It suits a dark and deadly female necromancer.
  • Proteus: “Many-headed” in Greek. It suits a dark and dangerous necromancer.
  • Naga: “Serpent” in Sanskrit. It suits a dark and mysterious necromancer.
  • Set: Egyptian for “underworld god.” It suits a dark and powerful male necromancer.
  • Bast: “Cat god” in Egyptian. It suits a dark, mysterious female necromancer.
  • Anubis: “Jackal god” in Egyptian. It suits a dark and powerful male necromancer.
  • Anubis: “God of the Dead” in Egyptian. It suits a dark and powerful male necromancer.

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Final Words

Necromancers have a wide variety of names depending on their specialty. Whether they are called Bone Charmer, Grave Robber, or Corpse Manipulator, their chosen name reflects their skills and abilities. As necromancers continue to emerge as key players in the world of D&D, it’s important for players to know what these names mean and how to pronounce them so that they sound appropriately macabre.